Class 10
1. Explain definition of man as individual creature and as social creature!
2. Mentions condition of confession of state in de yure!
3. Do you know about division of citizen, according to Konstitution1945?
4. In life of there are norm. Mention and explain 4 social norms!
5. What state look like dreamed of by Indonesian nation ?
6. Write down purpose of Indonesia state written in Opening of UUD 1945!
7. Mention three obligations of citizen fundamental, and show it in the legal fundament in, Konstitution 1945 !
8. Writes down Proclamation copy of Independence!
9. Explain someone who has patriotism spirit!
10.Mention kinds of theories the happening of state !
11.According to the source of law, it is divided into five. Mentions them!
12.Explain difference between shelf continents with ZEE !
10.Mention and explain 3 functions of state according to Montesquieu opinion !
13.Do you know about definition of system !
14.Mention 5 patriotism criterion !
15.Please prepare power point task, last week!
Class 12
1. Mention 3 elements of ideology fundamental!
2. Is function of from ideology ?
3. Ideology has 3 values, mentions!
4. What is the meaning with open ideology and also closed?
5. Is function of from Five Principles?
6. Mention three elements of ideology!
7. Mention of Presidensial sistem with Parlementer sistem?
8. How division of value according to Notonegoro?
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