Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Education Restating Grille of Civic of Chapter I
Class X and XII ( September 2010 )

Class 10

1. Explains definition of man as individual creature and as social creature !

2. Mentions condition of confession of state in de yure !

3. Mentions 4 sovereignty criterion !

4. What state look like dreamed of by Indonesian nation ?

5. Writes down purpose of Indonesia state written in Opening of UUD 1945 !

6. Writes down Indonesia state philosophy base !

7. Writes down Proclamation copy of Independence!

8. Mentions kinds of theories the happening of state !

9. Explains difference between shelf continents with ZEE !

10. Mentions 5 patriotism criterion !


Class 12

1. Which of autentic Five Principles and how its the formula ?

2. Mentions 3 element of ideology fundamental !

3. Is function of from ideology ?

4. Ideology has 3 value, mentions !

5. What is the meaning with open ideology and also closed ?

6. Is function of from Five Principles ?

7. Mentions three element of ideology !

8. Compares Five Principles opinion sight, Liberalism of da Marxisme !

9. What is the meaning with Five Principles as open ideology ?

10. How division of value according to Notonegoro ?

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