Education Restating Grille of Civic
Class X ( 2 September 2011 )
1. Explain definition of man as individual creature and as social creature !
2. Mentions condition of confession of state in de yure !
3. Do you know about division of citizen, according to Konstitution1945?
4. What state look like dreamed of by Indonesian nation ?
5. Writes down Proclamation copy of Independence!
6. Writes down purpose of Indonesia state written in Opening of UUD 1945 !
7. Mention three obligations of citizen fundamental, and show it in the legal fundament in Konstitution 1945 !
8. Mention three of five Accordings about “ Konferensi Meja Bundar “ !
9. Explain someone who has patriotism spirit!
10. Explain difference between shelf continents with ZEE !!
ppjawabnya pakai bahasa inggris apa Ina pak?